Senin, 28 Oktober 2013


An Analysis of students listening ability in comprehending analytical exposition text

A.    Background of the problem
In learning English there are four skills that must be learned by students, they are: listening, reading, speaking and writing. All of those skills are interrelated each other. For example, before students are able to master in written communication, they should be able to communicate in spoken communication earlier.
From the four skills above, listening is the first skill that has to be mastered by the students, because without having a good listening skill, the process of communication cannot run well. For example, the listener cannot catch what the speaker saying. According to Saricoban in Ostia (2007: 1) listening is fundamental language skill, it can be inferred that listening is important for communication. Therefore, the main purpose of teaching listening is to improve student’s skill in catching information/ message and ideas that are delivered by speaker to listener.
From the explanation above, listening has many advantages. One of them is for communication because if some one good in listening, it will make oral communication well. Beside that, the students can catch information/ ideas from the speaker.
There are some problems causing student have difficulty in comprehending listening. One of the main problems is made by media, such as the media is not having clear sound, and sometimes the cassette get broke. Another problem can be made by the students, students need to hear more than once, the students also cannot understand fast in natural native speech. The students often ask the teacher to slow down and reply the cassete by teacher voice.
Some observation and researches particularly for English teaching in Indonesia have found some facts about teaching listening. According to Brown and yule in Nunan (2001: 24) explains that there are four factor which can effect the difficulty of oral language: the speakers (how many they are, how quickly they speak, type of accent), the listener (the role of the listener, the level of response required, the individual interest in the subject), the content (grammar, vocabulary, information structure, background knowledge assumed) and support (pictures, digrams, or other visual aids to support the text).
Based on the explanation above the researcher can conclude that listening one of skill that not easy to learn by the students, but in the curriculum of senior high school they learn about listening skill and must comprehend about that skill.
At syllabus of SMA, it is stated that the students have to study listening. According to KTSP, the goal of teaching listening in SMA, the students have to understand the meaning in short functional text and simple essay monologue text in form oral in daily context. In listening, the students listen something to achieved some purpose and it is reflected in some kinds of genres. Each genre has differences in social function, generic structure and language feature.
There are many kind of genre or text that can be given to the students. Harmer in Hidayah (2010: 2) points out that the types of the text given depend on who the students are. They are narrative, spoof, recount, news item, procedure, descriptive, anecdote, exposition (Analytical and Hortatory), explanation, discussion, review.
Moreover, divisions of genres in syllabus of second grade students of senior high school, they are: report text, narrative text, anlytical exposition, spoof text, descriptive text and hortatory exposition. However, there are only three genres that is taught in the first semester. They are: report text, narrative and analytical exposition text. In short, each type of text is taught by introducing the students to the model text with a hope that they will be able to comprehend the types of text well. One of them is analytical exposition text.
An analytical exposition text is a text that elaborates the writers’ idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Its social function is to persuade the reader that the idea is important matter. According to Purwati, M and Yuliani (2005:66), analytical exposition text is a text that is designed to persuade the readers or listeners that something is the case. In short, analytical exposition text is a text that is to persuade the readers or listeners that something is the case.
In understanding a text, the students have to understand the generic structure of the text and also the language feature of the text. According to Jide (2009: 1), the generic structures of analytical exposition are thesis, arguments, and reiteration. Moreover, the generic structures of analytical exposition usually have three components: (1) Thesis, it is introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer’s position; outlines of the arguments are presented. (2) Arguments. It is consist about point and elaboration. Point, states the main argument and elaboration, develops and supports each point of argument. (3) Reiteration or conclusion, reiteration (restatement), restates speakers or writers position.


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